My mate Mike sent me a text back in May which simply said “Short story title idea: “Bag For Life.” This is the result. Thanks Mike…. Her staccato steps stuttered as she beetled along. The rhythm was so uneven that anyone listening to the tottering tattoo would have thought she was going to […]
Brian turns his back on the computer, parks himself on the settee and surveys the pile of cams, nuts, hexes and assorted paraphernalia at his feet. The gear has a faint smell, a subtle oily pong. Taking a sup of tea, he leans forward again and sniffs, the almost imperceptible scent awakening memories. He retrieves […]
He was puzzled by the white marks on the stone blocks of the bridge until one day he saw someone climbing across it on tippy toes, fingers scratching for purchase, dipping intermittently into a little bag at his waist. Shy and awkward, he’d watched from across the street and wondered. When the climber had gone, […]
They’d seen a sign pinned to some kind of electricity sub-station on the way to the crag, ‘Danger of Death, Do Not Climb’. It’d made them laugh. Someone had wondered out loud if it was some kind of portent and they’d laughed again. Brian didn’t feel like laughing though, he was by his own admission […]
He heard from someone in the club that they’d set up a ghost bike for Tom. Tom. The name cannoned around in his mind like a pinball, setting off lights and bells whenever it hit a relevent memory. Tom turning up at the club for the first time, not just any cocky teenager, the cocky […]