I read Gwen Moffat’s Space Below My Feet early in my climbing career when women were still strange and exotic creatures in climbing circles and those that ventured out were treated to a quick top rope on a fiendish 5c by a surly boyfriend before being asked to return to tea-making. Which goes some way to […]
Alastair Humphreys has produced a charming short film that is essentially a paean to the delights of Scottish mountain bothies. Armed only with an Orange mountain bike and minimal bike-packing kit, he regularly takes the night train from London in order to recharge his batteries and enjoy the solitude of the glens. Simple and unselfconsciously poetic, […]
Let’s examine the standard mountaineering film template. Craggy heavily bearded types take months planning an assault on Parba Nangbat, drone on endlessly about the challenge and gather a mountain of gear that is finally, after a tedious build-up, carried to the foot of the mountain by some nice cheap native bearers. The next hour is the cinematic […]
Let’s be honest, I don’t even like running and running doesn’t like me. In the dim distant past, I struggled through a couple of half-marathons and pretty much hated every minute largely thanks to my training consisting of a couple of half-hearted jogs and watching Steve Cram on the telly. I therefore approached 3022 Feet […]