Cheeky sod….

Why so glum, chum?

I’m speechless.  How does David Cameron have the temerity to caution against being too pessimistic about the prospects for economic recovery?  He managed to get his fingertips on power by painting an apocalyptic vision of the enormous black hole into which the British economy was disappearing as a result, apparently, of the Labour government’s mismanagement.   He and his boy Clegg have now spent the first year and a half of their administration repeating that lie ad nauseum in order to shift the blame for the economic shit-storm from the bankers who really did cause it and have profited from it to New Labour who must share culpability but only in that, like the rest of us, they had no idea what was going on. New Labour were culpable in that they failed to control the City but the situation would probably have been even worse under a Tory administration in even greater thrall to the financial sector.  Cameron and Clegg have been indulging in the very pessimism against which Dave now rails for the entire time they’ve been in power.  Ramming down the throats of the British people the notion that penury is but a heart beat away has proved to be a self fulfilling prophecy.  Confidence is a fragile commodity, you destroy it at your peril.  I take no pleasure from the fact that this flagrant political posturing has now come back to bite the coalition on the arse.